Christian Warrior Camp Information

Youth and Families today need more Christ-centered fun activities to help the Gospel of Jesus Christ come alive.

What is Christian Warrior Camp?

Christian Warrior Camp is an unforgettable weeknight or Saturday activity for families and youth groups to help youth put on the full armor of God to help them win their daily battles against Satan and sin.

Satan doesn’t play fair or nice so it is time we we enjoy some super fun activities focused on Christ.

2 Hour Christian Warrior Camp

What does a 2 hour Christian Warrior Camp look like for a weeknight activity for my combined activity?

6:15 Arrive in at our Christian Warrior Camp on our farm in Mona, Utah.

6:30 Begin Enlistment by committing to be a Christian Warrior and to stand as a witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel at all times, in all things and in all places.

Receive a colored tunic and a belt to divide the group into teams.

6:45 Go over rules and expectations and warm ups.

7:00 Sword of the Spirit Bridge Battle.

We never know when we are going to be under attack.

Satan tempted Jesus after he had fasted for 40 days. Jesus skillfully used the Sword of the Spirit to fight off Satans attacks.

Are you ready to wield the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God to fight off every attack from Satan?

6:15 Begin putting on the full armor of God by rotating through the following stations:

Helmet of Salvation – Protect our heads including ears, eyes, and mouths from the powerful attacks of the adversary.

Children of God we are divine creators. What goes on in our minds is always creating good or bad so look unto Christ in every thought doubt not fear not.

Enjoy a fun “fruit ninja” like game called Thought Ninja to learn to distinguish the bad from the good and how to focus our thoughts on Christ.

Breastplate of Righteousness -Satan’s first command is always hide. Hide our feelings and pain and then hide our sins. This makes our hearts hard.

In hiding our pains and sins the natural man turns to addictions like pornography, gaming, money, food, and drugs which are the chains of hell.\

Jesus Christ is always the answer as we turn to him through repentance he heals our hearts and protects us with the breastplate of righteousness.

We learn to be meek and lowly of heart by giving our pain to Christ as he helps us mature emotionally.

Experience the difference of a duel being being weighed down by sin and addictions even the chains of hell and being free wearing the breastplate of righteousness.

Shields of Faith- Satans attacks are ever increasing. How can we defend ourselves and families from his constant onslaught?

Captain Moroni is a a great example. He armored his people with armor and shields but he didn’t stop there.

He ever increased his peoples fortifications of stone walls, earth and men to make it so their enemies had no power over them.

Apply the Book of Mormon aka Warrior Handbooks strategies to get your tower to stand strong against a giant slingshot barrage.

7:50 to 8:20 Battles

Finally, put the Armor of God to the test in the ultimate battles:  

  • The Field Battles: Protect your flag.
  • The Moroni Fort skirmish

8:20 Clean Up

4 Hour Christian Warrior Camp

The 4 hour Christian Warrior Camp follows the same outline as the 2 hour except it is typically done durning the day like on a Saturday from 9:00 to 1:00 and includes the following activities.

Girdle of Truth- Learn how to recognize your true identity. The adversary would have you believe lies about yourself, but the truth of your worth lies within God, this will be understood through tug of war.

Covenant Path Obstacle Course– Enter in at the gate and hurry through life’s obstacles, ups and downs in a Spartan like obstacle course. How beautiful are the feet of those that help others on the covenant path.

More Battles:

King Men Vs Free Man

Keeper of the Gate

Christian Warrior Camp Pricing?

Weeknight Pricing 2 hr: $10 per person or minimum of $300.

Saturday Pricing 4 hr: $20 per person minimum $500

Minimum participants 30 max number of participants is 50

Months of Operation

Christian Warrior Camp is open for booking March through November on Saturdays.

Weeknights can be booked from till October and will continue in April.

The Months December, January and February we are closed for the holidays and cold weather.